You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You - Friday (10.10.08)
Not so much a traditional FR. I had to write this story down and share it, pure EPIC. I don't even have a Vegas story this random and intense. On that note, this story was experienced back in October of 2008. It was written solely for Casanova Crew's forums at the time, now I release it to you. I have decided to bring it back because my blog is empty as of this moment, and "Chronicles of Legend" is a series I'd like to continue. And so we begin:
We’re rolling shallow, four deep, keeping the crew nice and tight. We’re not babysitting anyone tonight.
The Cast:
- Me! Your lovely abroad member of CCOC
- Comrade
- Hat
- Ol’ Lanky
*Nicknames to protect the not so innocent.
The Plan: All nighter in Rome.
Specifics: Comrade Hat and I leave the Student Center at 8:15pm. Catch the 8:30pm, 2.5 hour train to Rome, make it there by 11pm, and meet our good buddy Lanky at the train station. We’ve got an idea of how we want tonight to go: bars, club, kill time naked with some chicks at their place, catch the 6am train back home, bed by 9am.
Well, sometimes perfect plans get rammed like a girl hanging out with Duke University’s Lacrosse team.
8:15pm - Comrade, Hat and I leave school halfway through dinner. Gotta catch that 8:30 train if we wanna make it to Rome before the bars close. I've downed a full bottle of wine and two redbulls in preparation. No time to snag alcohol on the walk down.
8:25 - Our train schedule printout lied to us. The 8:30 train to Rome doesn't exist. The next train rolls in at 10:30pm, which will put us in Rome at 1:00AM! Fuck.
8:45 - We're tired of sitting in a completely dead train station, so we head to Dragon Bar. Filled with old men giving us accusing stares, the bartender is cool and serves us two generous Vodka Redbulls apiece. I've now downed four redbulls, nice little alcohol/caffeine buzz combo going. We play the slots for a bit and meet the creepiest Italian guy I've ever seen.
10:15 - Head back to the station, catch the train. We shoot the shit for awhile and I've got some ACDC blasting for the last few minutes to get me even more pumped up.
1:00am - Train lands in Rome Central Station. Ol' Lanky is waiting for us outside the station McDonald's which has been long since closed for the night. He's laughing as he watches us walk toward him. Bonus Points: He's holding a fuckton of alcohol. Good man!
Unfortunately, the bars are an hour from closing, and a 45 minute walk from where we're located. Fuck that, Club time!
1:10 - Hail a cab, won't let us in with alcohol. Walk 10 feet, hail another cab, this guy lets us in as we watch the other cabbie shake his fist at our new friend. We tell the cab driver we're headed to the Cube, a club on the outskirts of Rome. He starts to giggle and tells us it's great if we like "techno musics." I can't figure out the smirk on his face, but whatever I'm out to party tonight, house music sounds kick ass!
1:20 - Arrive at the club, finishing our drinks on the street corner and pissing in public.
The four of us slowly begin to realize something: There are a LOT of dudes here. Like, A LOT.
I think I’m starting to understand that cab driver’s giggle.
Most of the women seem really tall, I know they’re wearing heels, but still. . . is it normal for a chick’s hands to be that big? Is it normal for most of the chicks to talk in a deep voice?
Fuck it. We’re going anyway.
1:30 - We've just been informed we're in the gay line at the club, and it's TRANSVESTITE night! What the fuck, dude. The "bouncer" tries to make us get in the straight line. We won't have that, I tell him we're rockstars from Hollywood. Hat kisses the gay bouncer's hand, he knows we're not gay but lets us in anyway. We're stoked because we just skipped the entire straight line which wrapped around the building. There sure seemed to be a lot of guys in the straight line. . . I'm questioning our decision.
Inside the club, we take one look around and just fucking laugh. We're practically rolling on the ground laughing so hard. We've barely gotten to the dancefloor, and there are dudes all around us, shirtless and sweating all over eachother. They're making out, caressing eachother, and grinding hardcore to some serious house music.
Exploring our new territory, it turns out to be one of the sickest club's I've ever seen. THREE floors, dripping money, and a fourth floor which, apparently, we couldn't get up to because we "Aren't gay enough."
2:00am - The four of us watch three unconvincing transvestites dance around on stage, some sort of show. They molest eachother and start taking their clothes off. We're done watching the show.
2:15 - Head upstairs and decide we're going to dance, make the best of the night. We're not letting ANYTHING bring us down. I think I finally know what a chick feels like in a club surrounded by chodes and skeezes. We fend off gay guys who approach/try to fucking grind on us. They won't leave us alone, so we head to the bathroom (AHHH NOW I know what a chick has to go through, shit!)
3:00am - Bathroom line(for once the dudes line is longer than the chicks). I watch a transvestite convince two lesbians that he's a girl and is allowed to use their bathroom. I feel someone press against my back. My ass is being grabbed. "Ciao Bello" is whispered into my ear. I shove the shirtless tattoo'd italian guy off me and dodge into the bathrom.
Hat gets his face stroked by two different guys in line. Apparently he's a "beautiful american boy"
3:15 - more dancing, more exploring. Hat and I try to brake the language barrier with a seated two set. No dice, no english, lots of giggles. She knows we're straight, and apparently she is too. It's done though, eject to smoking patio.
3:30 - Smoking patio. We open a mixed two set. English! Thank god! They don't believe we're straight but we enjoy the conversation anyway. They tell us this is sort of an underground club. No tourists come here, we picked the wrong night especially he informs us. Thursday they had live bands all night. . . FUCK! I bum a shitload of coffin nails off the smokers around the patio. My Italian is good enough for that.
4:30 - The club is starting to clear out, revealing some of the more horrible things that are happening on the dance floors. Comrade is done, we're all ready to leave. No need to see any of what's going on.
4:31 - Picked a direction outside the Cube and started walking. Totally lost. Totally drunk now.
4:40 - Lanky decides a parked vespa looked at him the wrong way. Turning around, he raises his leg and boots the god damned thing over. We're running. Someone's gonna be pissed tomorrow.
4:42 - Safe for now, still walking, even more lost than before. Hat is assaulting a car's windshield wiper. Comrade and I tear apart any and every flyer, poster, and paper that gets within arms reach. Lanky decides he's going to start kicking car windows.
We're beyond control.
4:45 - I feel like finding a fight but settle with picking up a Vespa helmet lying on the street. Poor bastard who owns it... it's mine now. I inform the guys I've found a free helmet, it's my new souvenir.
Ol' Lanky: Can I see it?
Muse: Hmm, hold on, this is fun *spinning it on my hand*
Muse: Haha ok *tosses it to lanky*
With one hand hurls my souvenir onto the roof of a two story building and promptly walks to the nearest car giving the passenger side windows a flying spinny double back kick. The alarm shrieks as the windows bulge under his feet, we hear a whistle.
Uh-oh, the fucking cops! We're sprinting down the road again. When you're in that much of a hurry you don't take the time to see where you're headed. After a minute or two we're "safe."
4:50 AM - We must have really lost the Iti police, pussies. There's a chick walking ahead of us all alone, smoking a cigarette. She tells us how to get back to the train station. It's gonna be quite a walk. She's British, but lives in Rome. Hmmm.
HBBritish: You guys got any papers?
Muse: Rolling papers? Yah, Lanky's got some, he rolls his own cigarettes.
Before handing over the papers, he makes her jump through a hoop, good man.
Hat: Why did you need papers, you've got cigs right now, girl.
HBB: Well I'm going to need papers if I'm going to be smoking hash back at my apartment.
Hat: Whoa, we've got papers, you've got Hash. We share the love, you share the love!
HBB: Hmm. . . You mean to tell me you want me to invite four american guys who I've just met walking around Rome at 5am back to my apartment? Ok.
She leads us through a sketch part of Rome, making a lot of twists and turns. We're totally fucked getting home now.
Comrade and I have been talking to her the whole time, we end up shooting the shit with her about why she's British, but living in Rome.
HBB: Well I work here, silly.
Comrade: Well, what do you DO here?
HBB: My profession is, well. . . I'll say it's a bit unorthodox. . .
Muse: Oh man, none of that. You've got to tell us now.
HBB: You sure?
Muse: *nods*
Right about now, I'm praying she doesn't say "axe-murderer."
HBB:Well sweethearts, I'm what you would call a Dominatrix.
Muse:Fuck you, no you're not! *oh, what the fuck is with tonight! This could go so horribly wrong*
Turns out She IS a dominatrix!
5:07 am - Our new friend the Dominatix takes us into the [i]nicest[/i] apartment ever. You'd never believe it if you saw her walking down the street, or came into her place randomly. I ask where all her "whips and chains are, I knew you were lying"
She takes me over to her bedroom, where she does her "work." She wasn't fucking lying! Theres an entire wall, just COVERED in whips and chains, leather and studs. There are god damned ball gags and leather masks! Holy SHIT!
She's a great hostess though, takes us into her living room, gets all of us water, chairs and even pours a drink for Lanky. We're just floored by the fact that we've just met Italy's premier Dominatrix while walking around being destructive at 5am in some major foreign city.
5:15 - We talk about her profession. Pass around hash joints. She shows us her website.
5:20 - She tells us we'll be weirded out, but she HAS to show us pictures of her work. Shows us her last client. Think Carrot Top, naked, black bra with fake tits inside it. He's got a leather mask on and a ball gag in his mouth! Fuckin weird.
5:35 - The Domina shows us pictures of Penis torture. We're done seeing any of that. No more. She laughs. She calls us a cab and warns us not to mess with ANY gypsies at the train station. Apparently the Roman Central Station is one of the top 5 in Europe for most dangerous. Been lots of stabbings lately, she tells us. She bids us farewell and reminds us:
HBB: Boys, this will be one of those nights you remember for the rest of your life!
5:45 - train station. Rush to catch the 6am train, leave Lanky behind. He's staying with his cousin for the weekend.
6:00am - Couldn't find our destination on the ticket machine. WTF?! Fuck it. Get on the train anyway.
6:15 - Flag down the ticket guy, tell him we couldn't find our city on the machine. He wants 50 euro each for what should be a 10 euro ticket. We thought he said 15, hand him 15, he refuses. Ups the price to 60 euro! We tell him we don't have that.
6:50 - First stop since we left Rome. Kicked off the train by our ticket buddy.
7:00am - Stuck in bumfuck Italy for an hour and 15 minutes waiting for the next train to pass through. I grab my fifth redbull of the night and watch a drunk italian man slam on one of the slot machines with his fist.
8:15ish? Don't remember - We're dragging ass. The train arrives. Sleep till 930. Train is home.
10:04am - Bed.
I tried to cut out a lot of detail but this turned out long anyway. What can I say, it was an epic night. The insanity of the night outweighs the total lack of chicks in my book. I learned that sometimes the plan gets fucked. Gotta roll with it. Could turn into one of the best nights you've ever had.
All four of us have a feeling we're gonna be trying to top this every time we're out from now on. I'm sure it'll make for some good stories, but the randomness of friday night just can't be beat.
Expect to see normal FR's fairly soon, next week is Fall Break. Comrade and I are going to take on Berlin and Munich. Got a week in Venice, and a nice weekend in Amsterdam. Time to get out of this little hill town!
Back sooner than you think,
~Muse :D
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